The Evil Gene
Mind The Gap Productions / Flutterby Productions : Uncork'd Entertainment
2 / 10

This film doesn't live up to the poster or its own blurbs "Evil is Born Not Made" and "They Tried To Lock It Up". It also comes nowhere near encompassing the possibilities of the synopsis. There is an actual gene that causes psychosis and murderous tendencies in its host - that alone offers loads of scope for action, suspense, and tension, none of which appear in the movie.
The people who have the gene are locked up in a prison where a murder has been committed. Surely this will add tension among the inmates as they're all murderers with a need to kill shut in close confinement. Nope.
The FBI agent sent to investigate, Griff Krenshaw, begins to believe there may be a demon involved in the murders. So now we get a supernatural element to add a bit a fear into the mix. Er... No.
What we get is a bland, verging on boring, film that teeters on the abyss of total pure garbage.
It's a shame the writer, Kathryn F Taylor (who also directed), missed out on even the basics that the story should have given the audience. Even the actors seem bored and, at times, appear to be wondering what they are doing there. The worst for this is the beautiful Cameron Richardson, who plays Dr Dana Ehrhart, who puts no effort into her character and her delivery of lines could put an insomniac to sleep.
The only good thing about this story is the twist at the end, though I had figured it out as soon as the possibility was flagged up.
This could have been in so many genres though the film that Taylor gives us falls more into the science fiction side than that of either thriller or horror, though it is very weak.
I would recommend painting the fence or walking the dog in the rain before watching this movie.
Las Vegas, NV - MapYRO
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