Cannibal Apocalypse
Edmondo Amati Presents / Jose Frade Producciones Cinematograficas S A / New Fida
Almi Cinema 5 / Cinefear / Replay Video / Video Program Distributors VPD
5.25 / 10

What the writers Antonio Margheriti, who also directed, and Dardano Sacchetti give the viewers of Cannibal Apocalypse is a cannibalistic thriller with a twist of zombie fetish... and it works.
While fighting in the Vietnam war Charlie Buckowski and Tom Thompson are captured and imprisoned in a pit with very little to eat. During a rescue by Norman Hopper a Vietcong falls into the pit; unfortunately for her, the prisoners are ravenous and start to tear her apart with their teeth as they feast. Once back in the USA all of the team are subject to psychological tests. Though it's only when Charlie is released that things start to take a darker turn. As he's trying to kill time by going to the cinema he has the urge to devour the woman in the seat in front of him. As she and her amorous boyfriend start to make out Charlie leans forward and takes a bite... Meanwhile, Hopper who was bitten by Charlie during the rescue is starting to feel the hunger too... Can the apocalypse be stopped before everybody become infected?
However, it's the rest of the pieces which deter from the film. The acting, on the whole, is above average, even Giovanni Lombardo Radice (Charlie) performs better than he did in Cannibal Ferox. John Saxon does a more than passable portrayal as Hopper, a man trying to help his friend while trying to resolve the mystery. There's even a shining light in the shape of Cinzia De Carolis who is brilliant as the blossoming teenager Mary who has a crush on Hopper. Even Luca Venantini as Bobby (Mary's younger brother) gives a few good creepy kid scares. However, it's Tony King's over-the-top acting as Thompson that hinders the film, as well as the actors representing the bike gang, and most of the extra's.
The direction, though above average could have been helped by adding a little more action as well as tension to the atmosphere of the film as the pace of the story is pretty regular throughout, another drawback to this type of movie. A few iconic shots and differing camera angles wouldn't have gone amiss either. However, the bad lines in the film actually help to keep the audience unintentionally entertained. I loved the scene where the cop transforms into a Cannibal and when his superior officer confronts him, while he's devouring a colleagues hand, he says in a caring tone, "My God son, put it down." Awesome scene.
This is an enjoyable film and I would definitely recommend it to everyone especially if you like Zombies or Cannibals. This is, in fact, storywise, one of the strongest Cannibal movies made. Since it doesn't feel like a horror film, as there's not enough eeriness (which is harder to create due to it being shot mainly in daylight) you can enjoy it in the full daylight - no need to watch at night or in the darkness behind closed curtains. Well worth one viewing, though you may just find yourself coming back to it again... and again...